ВЕЙПВАНЕТО няма нежелани ефекти върху кръвта
През 2012 г. е публикувана научна статия по тази тема. Проучването, проведено от Андреас Д. Фурис...
През 2012 г. е публикувана научна статия по тази тема. Проучването, проведено от Андреас Д. Фурис...
Дългосрочното изпаряване е значително по-безопасно от тютюнопушенето...
Public Health Englands use of smoking as a benchmark for the relative safety of vaping (Public Health...
Hospitals should sell e-cigarettes and provide patients with vaping lounges, health officials have...
One of the biggest battles over vaping is concerns about the short and long-term effects. Given...
Next week, the Food and Drug Administration will announce a ban on the sale of most e-cigarette...
The latest vaping research to come out of the USA once again focuses on youth uptake of vaping....
How does an electronic cigarette work? Thats a question that lots of people dont seem to have a...
The government-backed Stoptober campaign in 2017 featured electronic cigarettes for the first time,...
One of the worlds biggest tobacco companies has said it is trying to give up cigarettes. Philip...
Най-малко поне веднъж вероятно ви се е случвало да чувате притеснени приятели, роднини или обикновен...
Did you know that smoking has a direct impact on our blood? In 2012 a scientific article about this...
The products are not for sale to persons under the age of 18. If you are under this age please don't access the website.